Online GET TALKING program launched for kids BIRTH to FOUR YEARS!
8 March 2021
Encourage your child’s language skills now to help them get talking. Get Talking speech program gives parents the tools to support and encourage the speech and language skills their young child will take to adulthood.
What we want most as parents is for our children to be happy and healthy. And we can give them the best chance to be both these things by proactively supporting our children to be social, make friends, and enjoy learning.
At the core of this is communication. Learning to communicate effectively is more than being able to speak to have our needs and wants met. It also means being able to listen to and understand language, as well as successfully use language to convey our thoughts and opinions. Supporting our children to have a strong foundation of language allows them to participate in day-to-day life both at home and out and about.
Learn more about the GET TALKING program