As our centre based screenings have become so popular, we would like to introduce our new Screenings Manager – Rachel Lee. Rachel has been personally trained by Sonia Bestulic and has been conducting screenings with Talking Heads throughout 2016. Rachel will be the primary contact and organiser of our centre based screenings for 2017, providing the valuable service you have become used to.In order to assist Rachel in setting up our screenings services for 2017, we are asking centres to provide an expression of interest for centre based screenings next year.
Screenings include:
1. Screening test of communication development including:
- Receptive Language
- Expressive Language
- Speech Sound Development
- Fluency of Speech
- Voice
2. Feedback summary report for parents and the centre via email.
3. Parent feedback phone call outlining screening outcomes and recommendations.
4. Centre feedback discussion on children’s outcomes and recommendations as appropriate.
5. Parent handouts with information and/or strategies where applicable, including rebate options and Community Health services if assessment and/or therapy is recommended.
If your centre is interested, please email through the following information to us prior to Monday 28th November, 2016 on A confirmation of the screenings date offered and permission slips will be sent through by the end of January 2017.
- Centre Name and Location
- Month of preference for screenings
- Primary contact person, email and phone number